Canadian Credit Builders

What information is kept in my credit file?

What information is kept in my credit file?

Your credit file contains information on all of your credit accounts submitted to the credit bureaus, including balances, limits, payment history, etc, as well as identification information such as your name, address, age, social insurance number, marital status, spouse’s name and age, number of dependents, occupation, and employment history.

How long is information kept on my credit file?

Actual inquiries made by credit grantors minimum of 3 years
Credit history and banking information 6 years from the last activity date
Bankruptcies 6 years from the date of discharge. (for first bankruptcy)
Judgments, foreclosures, garnishments 6 years from the date filed
Collections 6 years from the date of last activity
Secured loans 6 years from the date filed
Credit Counseling, Consumer Proposals to creditors, Orderly Payment of Debt (OPD), Voluntary Deposit information 3 years from the date settled or completed

Credit Education 101

We have collected information from both of the consumer reporting agencies (credit bureaus), as well as our own research to try to provide a full picture on credit files and credit scores, including those little known “insider” secrets.

Topics at a glance: 

What information is kept on my credit file?

How long is information kept on my file?

What is a credit “score”?

How can my credit score affect my life?

What factors affect my credit score?

How to Raise your credit score?

Credit Rehab!