Canadian Credit Builders


Excelus Financial Inc. provides education, financial products, and tools that help the underserved financial needs of Canadians so they can gain long-term access to affordable forms of credit. With our specialized Secured Savings Loan Program, we are enabling our clients to build credit and savings at the same time.

We provide knowledge, access, and action plans to build good credit, create new credit and recover from bad credit.

 Knowledge + Access + Actions = Strong Credit

The Excelus Financial logo uses a stylized butterfly, a deep and powerful representation of life. The butterfly in the wordmark replaces the ‘x’ and represents positive transformation.

It is also placed in an atypical position, rising above the other letterforms. Many cultures associate the butterfly with our souls, and as a symbol of resurrection. Around the world, people view the butterfly as representing endurance, change, hope, and life.

This manifestation is a symbol of our amazing clients, and our ability to help change their lives, by establishing stronger credit profiles, a lifeline to fulfilling future hopes and dreams.